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What We Believe

We are a Free Will Baptist church. We believe that the Holy Bible is God's inspired and inerrant message to mankind .

Whatever the Bible says is true is true.

Whatever it says is false is false.

We believe Holy men of God wrote the Bible, being guided in their writing by the Holy Spirit.


We believe the church is a local organization of believers, joined together to worship God, to teach and learn the Scriptures, to hold one another accountable, and to serve as a witness to unbelievers.


We believe Jesus suffered and died on the cross that mankind may have their sins forgiven and cleansed.

In his death Jesus took our place under the wrath of God.

He was punished for our sins in our sin in our place.

On the third day Jesus rose from the grave, never to die again.

This rising is called the Resurrection.

Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus ascended into Heaven where he now lives, seated at the right hand of the Father.


A persons sin's are forgiven and he is saved when through faith he commits his life in obedience to Jesus and repent of his sin.


We believe the church is a local organization of believers, joined together to worship God, to teach and learn the Scriptures, to hold one another accountable, and to serve as a witness to unbelievers.

© 2013 Bridgeton FWB Church, all rights preserved.

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